/de paso
Nowadays, we have increasingly come to view globalisation as a homogenising force threatening cultural diversity. However, this is mainly due to a global effort equating globalisation with capitalism, mistakenly portraying globalisation as a modern phenomena solely related with the expansion and consequences of trade. Yet in viewing “culture” as a stagnant entity to be protected from these forces one only rejects history’s nature.
Delving into the discourse of culture vs. globalisation, “De Paso” aims to reclaim the latter’s true value: its ability to enrich culture, not destroy it, through the free movement and exchange of people and knowledge. I believe that, by embracing the cultural hybridity continuously underlying our history, we’ll be best able to create new value in today’s highly globalised world.
In Spain, this hybridity has been consistently denied throughout time. Through processes like that of de-africanisation, we have institutionally rejected important minorities and their influence on Spain’s identity, resulting in a collective ignorance that reinforces established cliches and increases polarisation, xenophobia and scepticism towards these groups.
/The proposal
“To deconstruct the current Spanish imaginary, while bringing about curiosity in the viewer towards the hybridity underlying Spain’s Identity.”
/The how
1/ the route
2/ the campaign
3/ the A.R. experience
2/ the campaign
3/ the A.R. experience
//The route
Madrid based city route highlighting overlooked influences, varying from historical figures and objects to festivities or even ways of life. The route is composed by 9 stops, equivalent to 9 icons within Spanish culture, each marked by a red, scannable stamp.
//The campaign
A physical and digital campaign contrasting the real vs. the perceived Spanish identity, with the purpose of building suspense and curiosity towards the initiative, as well as informing the viewer about the route and its inauguration event.
//The A.R. experience
Upon scanning the stamp, the user is taken to an Augmented Reality app experience, where they can access and navigate a 360º collaged scene revealing the story behind the given icon, being able to interact with the scene’s elements to discover further details.
> Stop Variations