/toy story

Under the guidance of architect Igor Bragado, we explored & analyzed the Counterfeit Sex Toy industry in Madrid. Taking on a systemic approach, we mapped the context in which it operates: from its supply chain, online industry and health hazards, to brand protection agencies and sex toy hacking scenarios. 

We then ideated a spatial proposal intervening at various points of the system; a sex toy concept store with an integrated lab to dissect, protect and recycle counterfeit toys, in addition to warning about the dangers of sex toy hacking.

Spatial mapping of the counterfeit sex toy industry, synthesizing the various touchpoints and scales at which it operates.
All spaces digitally modelled in Rhino 3D.


In the space,  all floors become connected through a system of semitransparent textile conducts: they serve as windows, display shelves and transportation tubes. The textile is practical as well as metaphorical, bringing intimacy to a public space.
Interior, frontal view of store level.

Interior, elevated view of lab level.